Nine out of ten people I speak with have no idea what they want out of life. They simply let things happen without questioning it, opting for the route of least resistance in many cases.

One of them was me. I had no idea where I was headed in life; I had hazy ambitions, a sloppy work ethic, and a lack of clarity. But then, by creating a simple yet significant morning ritual, I drastically altered my life. Do you have a clear idea of what you want out of life?

The daily practice I’ll offer in this post is simple to imitate and alter in order to improve your life.

Daily routine to stay healthy
I’ve always wanted to read more books, spend more time studying about topics that interest me, and just have time when no one can tell me what to do and I can focus only on better myself. Setting aside time for oneself is critical. It doesn’t matter if you want to perform yoga, stretch, read, paint, or write.

You must set aside time where there are few to no distractions and where you can spend time on yourself without feeling guilty. When I started writing my first book, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wouldn’t have the time or energy to sit down and write since my day would be so hectic. I made the decision to get up an hour earlier and write.

The night before is crucial to a great morning. I tried a variety of activities throughout the years, including reading before bed, sipping tea, going on a walk, showering, writing, meditating, and fasting. What I discovered is that it makes no difference what you do the night before as long as you establish clear objectives for the next day, appreciate the present moment, and show appreciation for what has occurred. Consider what went well and what went poorly throughout the day.

Showing up every day and performing consistently may not be glamorous, but it will undoubtedly improve your performance. Here’s an essay by James Clear on marginal gains that shows how even a 1% improvement per day may make a huge difference in your life over the course of a year. Show up every day and enhance only 1% of your life, whether it’s fitness, finances, creativity, or relationships.

As I stated at the outset of this post, most individuals have no idea what they want out of life. Building a house, purchasing a vehicle, marrying, and having a decent career are not realistic aspirations. It’s a matter of how people live; they are more like requirements.

Your attention and energy are at their peak in the morning. It’s when your intellect is at its sharpest and most capable of completing difficult tasks. But, no matter how focused or trained you are, ignoring distractions takes a toll, and you will ultimately give up and lose. I’m referring to television, alerts, text messages, and the Internet.

Find or better still, construct a location with as few potential distractions as feasible. Put your laptop, smartphone, and television remote in a different room. Close the doors and windows to keep outside noises out. What I’ve discovered is that the Internet can be a major source of distraction for me, particularly when I check social media first thing in the morning.

I no longer need my phone near my bed because I have my morning alarm on my wrist. Because it’s difficult to reach, I can’t immediately open my iPhone and start checking everything that’s happened in the world as I wake up. I stay focused thanks to the list I made the day before, and I go right into my daily ritual.

What works for me is to stick to a routine and read for at least 30 minutes every day. It enables me to concentrate and forget about myself while learning and being inspired. When I fly early in the morning, I enjoy listening to podcasts about topics that are important to me.

Hearing professionals speak about these issues, whether it’s about health, productivity, lifestyle design, or business, inspires and energises me. Finally, watching inspirational films may quickly fill you with positive energy.

In 2015, I did a five-week half-marathon training programme and had difficult mornings when my legs and feet hurt, it was raining outside, and I couldn’t feel enthusiastic about running 18 kilometres. Then I’d go to YouTube and watch a motivational video, and I’d be energised in no time.

The true struggle starts once you’ve blocked both physical and digital distractions. Our monkey minds are wired to look for danger in order to survive, and they don’t enjoy the present moment. It’s for this reason that blocking mental distractions is difficult. We are concerned about the past and the future. Worries turn into anxiousness, and no matter how peaceful the atmosphere is, we can no longer rest. As a result, I began practising mental fitness.

I first learned about meditation three years ago. I was a sceptic at first, and it took several tries for me to see the benefits of slowing down and monitoring my thoughts. It’s not only good for your intellect, but it’s also good for your health.