In this modern competitive era, everyone needs to have classic skills in encountering interview questions and making yourself able to answer all the professional questions with a quality performance of your skills.
There are so many great minds all around the world developing themselves day by day and raising the bar for everyone, which is why you need to make yourself far better than all these people and become a stronger character with professional skills that aren’t replaceable by anyone and become great at your professional career.
You need to become better at doing what you are good at and put your 100% effort into developing yourself professionally to encounter any challenges.
Here in this article, we will learn about ten ordinary interview questions and how to answer them…
10 Ordinary Interview Questions and How to Answer:
1. Introduce yourself
2. What are your Weaknesses?
3. What are your Goals?
4. When were you most satisfied in your Job?
5. How do you Deal with Pressure and Stressful Situation?
6. What are your Salary Expectations?
7. How do you manage to deal with time-deadline?
8. Why are you leaving your Current Job?
9. What is your Greatest Strength?
10. Why do you want this Job?

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1. Introduce Yourself:
The interview process always starts with this question to make the candidate feel a little bit friendly, break that nervousness, and know how the candidate represents himself and what he thinks about his persona.
Answer: You can represent yourself by giving the details of your name, family background, and place, then tell something about how you ended up being a (your job position), and then tell about your future goal using the Present-Past-Future formula.
2. What are your Weaknesses?
This is a typical question asked by the interviewer to test the candidate and his skills to make sure that the candidate is the right choice for the particular position in the Company. Keep calm and make yourself get involved in interviews to show you know you trust your strengths.
Answer: Answer the question with skills that are not essential in your Job and mention that you are working on improving all these skills to improve, turn your negative point into positive ones, and appear a professionally smart individual.
3. What are your Goals?
Interviewers ask this question to learn whether you have a clear vision of the Job you are doing and whether you work towards your goals or not, which gives your interviewer an idea about whether you are a future-driven person.
Answer: My current goal is to work for the Company and grow along with the Company to become the best in the industry, and then my long-term goal is to publish a book/form my own company/become better at a specific area.
4. When were you most satisfied in your Job?
This is to know about what makes you get satisfied with your job so that they can figure out whether you love your job or not and your job makes you get satisfied or not so that they can judge if you can give your best in the task.
Answer: You can say that I get most satisfied with my job when I can give the best results, which helps me grow along with the Company.
5. How do you Deal with Pressure and Stressful Situation?
Interviewers ask this question to test your emotional mindset because there are many things going into the workplace and office environment, which is why you need to have emotional control and a strong mindset to work in a company.
Answer: You can answer this question by saying that you are used to not taking things personally but making things work out in favor of everyone to avoid an unhealthy environment and perform tasks with all your effort to do good.
6. What are your Salary Expectations?
Interviewers like to know and manage your salary expectation in their company budget, but however, sometimes they push lower standards to make their budget strength than hiring other positions, but you need to negotiate well.
Answer: According to current market value and with my experience of having a good amount of knowledge about this position, I would like to have $(Amount).
7. How do you manage to deal with time-deadline?
Interviewers ask this question to learn whether you can manage work deadlines or not and how you can make your work organized and complete all your tasks within the deadline. Your ability to manage your work and time will make them understand your work process.
Answer: I usually like to make my to-do list for the next day and set a limit for me to complete the task before 5-10 minutes to challenge myself and organize my work and task, which helps me manage my task’s deadline.
8. Why are you leaving your Current Job?
Interviewers ask this question to learn more about your past performance and work experience to determine if there is anything suspicious or if you are a more clear person with a good professional career.
Answer: You can answer this question by saying for a better future and growth, or I want to experience new challenges and workplace.
9. What is your Greatest Strength?
The interviewer asks this question to test whether you are aware of your strength or not and how you are using your strengths to help the Company get the advantage of your skills and grow along with the Company.
Answer: I am good at writing, communicating, and problem-solving, which would help the Company achieve professional goals.
10. Why do you want this Job?
This question will be asked to determine whether you are the right fit for the Company or not and how you are supposed to add value to the Company and grow along with your job to appear more professional and achieve your goals.
Answer: I want this job because I think I am a good fit for the Company; seeing the tasks given to the position, the Company can get more benefits by having me, which makes me grow along with the Company.